03 Relations with the socio-economic environment

Supply chain

The power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec, the CHP plant in Białystok and heat production plants in Piła and Oborniki lie at the heart of production processes in the ENEA Group. The generation units mentioned above use bituminous coal, biomass, gas and fuel oils.

Purchase of raw materials

The demand for bituminous coal is covered, for the most part, by Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”, while other materials are purchased from external suppliers.

Raw material supply

Coal from the Bogdanka mine is delivered to the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec and to the CHP plant in Białystok by trains. The raw material for the CHP plant in Białystok is also transported by rail, however, by the mine directly. In the production processes carried out by ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec and Elektrociepłownia Białystok, biomass is also used and it is supplied by road and by rail. Deliveries of fuel oil (light-up fuel) to the Połaniec power plant are effected by rail and road transport. The CHP plant in Białystok, in addition to 4 coal-fired boilers, also has a K1 boiler, in which heat is produced based on gaseous fuel.

PEC produces heat and hot water using coal purchased from a supplier outside the ENEA Group. The coal is supplied by rail from the mine to the Oborniki railway station and then by road in Oborniki to boiler houses K1 and K4.

MEC Piła produces heat and hot water from coal and electricity and heat through combustion of natural gas and heat in gas engines. Coal purchased from a supplier out of the ENEA Group is delivered by rail, and then by road transport. The gas is supplied through a gas pipeline.

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