08 Contribution to the society

Supporting the society

Our contribution to the lives of Poles, however, significantly exceeds the services provided by us. We are a large employer, a significant payer of taxes and charges to the state budget and local budgets as well as the creator of technological innovations.

Through the ENEA Foundation and employee volunteerism programs, we undertake initiatives responsible for important social problems. We provide financial support for Polish sport and national culture.

As an organization socially responsible, we take numerous actions responding to the needs and expectations of the communities in which we operate.

The key documents regulating the rules of the Group’s community engagement include:

  • Rules for handling applications for support in the community engagement area in the ENEA Group,
  • Rules for conducting public relations activities and social partnership activities in the ENEA Group,
  • Rules and Regulations of Employee Volunteerism in the ENEA Group.

Community engagement and all social responsibility activities in the ENEA Group are coordinated by the Corporate Social Responsibility Office.

The ENEA Foundation supports financially social objectives from funds provided by companies belonging to the Group. The Foundation becomes involved primarily in activities that have lasting social effects. For this purpose, it carries out well thought-out and innovative projects in areas such as safety, education for children and youth, protection of the environment, assistance for the needy and sports, culture and art. The goals and principles of the ENEA Foundation’s operation are defined by:

  • Charter of the ENEA Foundation,
  • Organizational Rules and Regulations of the ENEA Foundation,
  • Rules and Regulations on granting support by the ENEA Foundation.

Further information on the Foundation can be found here.

Another entity conducting active community engagement activities is the “Solidarni Górnicy” [Solidary Miners] Foundation established by Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”. Its objective is to support financially Company employees and their families, victims of accidents, people suffering from illnesses or those in difficult financial situation. The organization also supports talents, cultural, environmental and health promotion initiatives. More can be read here.

Our employees are also involved in the life of local communities. We support their actions taken within our grant programs, charitable campaigns and activities within the program of supporting employee volunteerism.

Volunteerism and community engagement in the ENEA Group2019
Total expenses of the Group for its community engagement activities3 012 127 PLN
Donations provided by the “Solidarni Górnicy” Foundation operating in the LW “Bogdanka” Group428 800 PLN
Number of beneficiaries of employee volunteerism (including participants of campaigns/trainings and other activities)[1]17 406[2]
Number of employees engaged volunteerism (at least once a year)368
Total number of hours committed to volunteerism by employees in 20191 857

[1] The measure does not include beneficiaries of activities carried out during mass events, i.e. first aid demonstrations performed by volunteer rescuers during festivals, picnics etc.

[2] Data for Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” are not available.

113% increase in the number of volunteers compared to 2018.

Examples of initiatives carried out at the ENEA Group level

ENEA Talent Academy

a contest conducted by ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Foundation, in which students compete for scholarships to develop their talents, while schools and organizations compete for grants to develop the interests of their pupils by running innovative educational programs. During three editions of this contest, the most recent one completed in January 2020, scholarships were granted to 60 students and 27 schools and organizations received funds to carry out additional projects. More on the initiative can be found here.

ENEA Sports Academy

a program addressed at children and youth, under which partnering sports club organize regular after-school activities. In 2019, this program benefited approximately 2,000 preschoolers and schoolchildren. Sports competitions were also held, which were attended by more than 2.5 thousand children.

ENEA for Generations. Together about safety

a project executed by the ENEA Foundation in cooperation with the Us50+ Association and the Voivodship Headquarters of the State Fire Department in Poznań, addressed to senior citizens and multi-generational families. This project consisted of educational campaigns focusing on consumer awareness and fire safety of households and first aid training. In 2019, as part of this campaign 13 workshops were organized for a total 100 workshop hours, which were attended by 2,830 participants. 46 volunteers from the ENEA Group participated in the campaign.

Good Energy Beyond Borders

a program to strengthen the national identity of Poles living in Lithuania, carried out in cooperation with the Poznań Archdiocese Caritas organization. In 2019 it included the “Wielkopolska Worth Knowing” contest in which prizes included trips to Poland for students of Polish schools in the Vilnius region and the possibility of getting to know their Polish peers.

Run – Collect – Help

a charitable campaign carried out together with ENEA Group Employees. The kilometers covered during running, cycling and Nordic walking competitions and during charitable competitions and sports events sponsored by the Group are converted into Polish zloty and the resulting amount is used to organize a sports event for children and youth. In 2019, it was the ENEA Active Camp attended by 120 children from child custody and upbringing centers in the Wielkopolska region.

The Power of Help (Potęga poMocy)

a grant contest addressed to Employees of the ENEA Group involving submission of ideas for activities benefiting local communities. Volunteers make repairs, renew gardens, organize festivals or sports competitions, fulfill dreams of children from orphanages, support the elderly, sick and needy and also help animals. In 2019, 20 initiatives were approved, received financial support and Employees were involved in their execution.

Energy in Our Blood

a campaign conducted together with Regional Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centers, in which Group employees and local communities surrounding Group companies are encouraged to donate blood. Over 200 liters of blood were donated in 2018-2019.

Mission: Prevention

activities promoting the idea of health prevention among Group employees. In 2019, two rounds of free health testing at work were organized: “We will beat melanoma together” and “Healthy Autumn” (advice from dietitians and cardiologists, basic blood tests). The project is carried out together with the Association of Melanoma Patients and the Michał Jeliński ACTIVEdiabet Foundation ((Poznań, Zielona Góra, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz).

Competence volunteerism

educational meetings conducted by ENEA Group employees. In the “Current is not so terrible” campaign, volunteers visit schools and kindergartens speaking about how to be safe with electricity and how to reduce its consumption. The “First Aid – premedical rescue” campaign is addressed among others to children and attendees of various events; emergency personnel share their knowledge on how to respond when witnessing an accident. As part of the competence volunteerism project, in 2019, Group employees trained a total of 13 thousand people.

Campaign volunteerism

short specific-purpose or occasional campaigns. In 2019, ENEA Group employees prepared, among others, decorations for charitable Christmas fairs and collected more than 130 bags of trash in the places selected in cooperation with the State Forest Authority.

Examples of initiatives carried out by ENEA Group companies

Safe Preschooler Academy – an initiative by ENEA Operator aimed at teaching preschoolers the rules of how to behave in emergencies, including safe handling of electricity and responding when someone needs help. As part of the program, meetings and shows are held in kindergartens, devoted, among others, to safe behavior when going to and coming home from the kindergarten, safe play in the kindergarten, in the yard and at home, and basic road signs. In 2019, the program was carried out in 15 educational establishments in the Poznań county labor office Activities in this program were also conducted by ENEA Połaniec Power Plant. , Which expanded the program to include visits to the power plant, where the children were able to find out how electricity is generated and see one of the largest biomass-fired units in the world. In 2019, the plant was visited by approximately 900 children.

We care for your safety. You should, too! – a campaign by ENEA Operator addressed to all age groups to promote safe conduct in the vicinity of power grid elements. Within the framework of this campaign, in 2019 the company prepared animated educational videos, also with sign language versions and with an audio description, organized contests for students and held demonstrations and activities on the topic of safety conducted by firefighters, rescuers and Group volunteers. The project was executed in 29 primary schools and kindergartens.

Women’s Power Plant – Women’s Forum – a program through which women working in the Połaniec Power Plant and its local community were able to find out how to care for their health, safety and beauty. The goal of the program is to strengthen women’s self-esteem and self-awareness and to highlight their importance in the mostly male environment. In 2019, a total of 300 women participated in the Forum’s meetings.

Beauty for the city of Łęczna – a program carried out by Lubelski Węgiel "Bogdanka", the Municipal Office in Łęczna and the Landscapes Foundation, in which among others, recommendations were developed for green areas in Łęczna.

Young explorers – making dreams come true – a program whose idea is to fulfill dreams of children from orphanages. In 2019, ENEA Połaniec Power Plant with the support of the ENEA Foundation and volunteers from the Power Plant, organized an educational trip for 50 participants to a family leisure park, a trip to the Poznań Zoo and participation of children from orphanages in the ENEA Active Camp sports and psychology workshops.

ENEA for health – a cervical cancer screening program involving free cytology tests for women from the Kozienice township, organized by ENEA Wytwarzanie.

Karma returns – collection of food for homeless animals organized by ENEA Operator. In 2019, a total of 800 kg of feed was collected, which was then forwarded to the animal shelters that needed it.

Additionally, individual Group companies organized numerous charitable activities, e.g. for children from a local hospital (MEC Piła) or orphanage (ENEA Centrum).

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