This report presents a summary of the results generated and achieved by the ENEA Group in the following areas and aspects of its business: economic, environmental, social, human resources, human rights and prevention of corruption and bribery. It covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019 and describes all Group companies included in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the ENEA Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 and additionally Energo-Tour Sp. z o.o. (which is undergoing a liquidation process). This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s international reporting standards (Standards version, Core level).

The report has been prepared in accordance with the 10 GRI principles, regarding defining the report content (Materiality, Sustainability Context, Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Completeness) and report quality (Balance, Reliability, Comparability, Accuracy, Timeliness, Clarity).

In the reporting period, no significant changes occurred in the Group’s size, structure, form of ownership or value chain. Compared to the report for the previous year, no significant changes have been made to the scope, extent or methods of measurement and no previously published information has been corrected or amended. This report has not been subjected to a third-party review, but has been prepared in cooperation with an independent consulting company, Go Responsible.

The ENEA Group follows an annual reporting cycle. The previous report was published on August 6, 2019.

Preparation of the report

The drafting of the report was preceded by the materiality assessment for respective aspects of ENEA Group’s operation in the economic, environmental, employee and social areas. The assessment was made based on the analysis of expectations of external stakeholders and the Group’s management and Employees, as well as the non-financial reporting trends existing in the energy sector.

The stakeholder expectations survey was conducted between 18 October and 12 November 2019 in the form of an on-line survey. It was addressed to selected representatives of various stakeholder groups: Employees of ENEA Group companies, their Customers, local communities in which Group companies operate, representatives of social partners or beneficiaries of the Group’s social activities, stock market analysts, suppliers, representatives of industry, environmental organizations and the media. Similar questions were also answered by Employees of ENEA Group companies taking part in the workshops held on 13 November 2019 at the ENEA S.A. headquarters in Poznań. The management expectations survey also took the form of an on-line survey, which was conducted from 21 October to 12 November 2019.

The results of these surveys as well the analysis of trends in non-financial reporting in the energy industry have been the basis for identifying important aspects of reporting. On the basis of these aspects, the team at the Corporate Social Responsibility office within the ENEA S.A.’s PR and Communication Department organized the process of collecting non-financial data from individual ENEA Group companies. Approximately 200 Group Employees were directly involved in this process.

Material aspects of reporting


    • Impact on the Polish economy
    • Contribution to services for the society, improvement of the infrastructure, improvement of the local market
    • Activities undertaken to eliminate instances of corruption (training, identifying and solving of incidents, if any)

    • Sustainable development strategy and activities
    • Energy consumption in the company and methods of reducing it; activities promoting energy efficiency
    • Raw materials and supplies used by the company, recycling and reuse
    • Water uptake and consumption, reuse, information on wastewater
    • Quantity of wastewater, waste produced and spillages as well as hazardous waste created in the production process
    • Emissions and reduction methods
    • Production of electricity from renewable sources
    • Risks and opportunities resulting from climate changes/li>
    • Impact of operations on biodiversity and landscape
    • Compliance with environmental regulations, prevention of abuse, non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations
    • Amount of capital expenditures in the environmental protection area

    • Ensuring continuity of energy supply
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Confidentiality in relations with Customers, measures preventing loss of data
    • Preventing the negative influence of the company on local communities
    • Sponsorship and charitable activity
    • Headcount, number of new Employees, employee turnover, employee benefits, returns to work after parental leaves
    • Employee training and eduction, support for career development, employee evaluation
    • Diversity and equal opportunities in access to jobs, including positions n the management board; equal pay for men and women
    • Occupational health and safety

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