07 Environment impact

Raw materials and consumables

Producing electricity and heat, we use considerable amounts of energy resources: bituminous coal, gas, biomass and fuel oils. The basic fuel used by us to generate electricity is bituminous coal. Biomass fired by us is mainly energy wood chips, energy willow and poplar chips as well as agricultural production residues.

Major raw materials used by the Generation Segment in 2019

Type of fuelENEA Wytwarzanie – Kozienice Power PlantENEA Połaniec Power PlantENEA Ciepło – Białystok CHP Plant, “Zachód” Heat Plant
[PLN million]
[PLN million]
[PLN million]
[PLN million]
[PLN million]
[PLN million]
Bituminous coal6,9321,5847,5521,9704,2609833,6739141324112040
(Heavy) fuel oil[2]57912713611
(Light) fuel oil[3]8256170.310.620.381.10.441.3
Gas [thous. m 3][4]16,8782016,36025001 733[5]2

[1] Coal and biomass with transport.

[2] Light up fuel in the Kozienice Power Plant, units 1-10

[3] Light up fuel for unit 11.

[4] Used for production of electricity and heat in MEC Piła and heat in PEC.

[5] Used for production of heat in “Zachód” Heat Plant; unit: thousand Nm3

Water consumption

Water is necessary to produce electricity, we use water, among others, in power plant cooling systems. We apply a number of technological solutions which allow us to return water to river, preserving its quantity and quality.

Total water uptake in the ENEA Group [m3][6]20182019
Total water consumption by ENEA Group companies:2 912 857 1792 851 674 557
including water uptake from water intake / municipal water supply system241 504231 654
including surface water uptake[7]2 896 571 0282 834 572 229
of which: deep water uptake841 364867 398
of which: drainage water uptake12 565 21712 872 658
of which: water uptake from another source2 638 0663 130 618

[6] The total water consumption figure does not include data for some administrative/office buildings used by the companies which make lump-sum payments for water and for which there is no detailed data on water consumption. ENEA Trading, which does not report on water consumption and ENEA Połaniec Serwis, which does not collect environmental data, are not included.

[7] For generation purposes, the Kozienice Power Plant uses water from the Vistula river. The reversible uptake of water for cooling purposes constitutes over 99% of the power plant’s total water uptake.

Generated waste

Total mass of waste generated in the ENEA Group [Mg][8]20182019
Total mass of waste generated in the ENEA Group: 8 318 3537 486 683
of which: hazardous waste8245 464[9]
of which: non-hazardous waste8 317 5297 481 219

[8] Does not include administrative buildings where utilities are included in the lump-sum rent. Additionally, ENEA Trading and RG "Bogdanka" do not report data on waste, while ENEA Połaniec Serwis does not collect environmental data.

[9] This includes waste collected by ENEA Logistyka from other ENEA Group entities and those resulting from the provisions of the Act on worn-out electric and electronic equipment.

We make effort not only to minimize the amount of waste but also to utilize it:

  • the power plant in Połaniec sells gypsum from flue gas desulfurization as well as ash and gravel which are by-products of combustion,
  • Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” uses mining waste for land reinstatement, road and square hardening and for the production of cement, and also provides authorized units with, among others, wood and used oils, for management.

In 2019, ENEA Centrum, acting to the benefit of ENEA S.A., implemented measures to reduce consumption of paper, such as electronic signing of contracts, enabling transmission of documents through a chat and the Electronic Customer Service Office (eBOK) (i.e. it is no longer necessary to print them out and send by traditional mail), combining documents (invoices, corrections, interest notes are sent in a single envelope to a contractor with the same correspondence address on several contracts) or e-invoice promotion campaign.

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