In the OHS area, we operate in accordance the applicable legal regulations. Group companies strive to eliminate accidents at work and occupational diseases and to raise awareness of occupational hazards among Employees (among others through training and knowledge contests), as well as to increase their responsibility and involvement in improving safety at work. They also introduce further ergonomic improvements (e.g. equipping workstations with footrests or wrist pads, replacing office chairs with ones with adjustable armrests).
We monitor new technical solutions affecting the OHS level, among others through annual participation of designated employees in seminars and lectures organized during the Work Safety Expo. The state of Occupational Health and Safety is continuously monitored and improved, which is guaranteed by the accepted policies, procedures and instructions. Some companies have social labor inspectors appointed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for appointing Social Labor Inspectors in the ENEA S.A. Group, who inspect the OHS conditions on behalf of Employees and put forward improvement proposals. Staff representatives also sit on OHS Committees operating in some of the companies.
OHS documents in leading ENEA Group companies which are important in this area | |
ENEA S.A. | "ENEA S.A.’s Work Rules and Regulations" |
OHS training programs for ENEA S.A. | |
Occupational risk assessment | |
Other instructions (Instruction on occupational risk assessment and documentation; first aid instructions; fire safety instructions) | |
ENEA Operator | Procedure of occupational risk assessment and documentation in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. |
Fire safety procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Procedure defining the principles of cooperation in OHS area between ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. and Contractors | |
Periodic OHS training procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Training procedure for live-line working in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Fall protection procedure for working at height in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Document circulation procedure for specialist instructions on the fall protection and evacuation rules while working at height in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
First Aid Procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Premedical Rescue Organization Procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
Rules and Regulations for professional preparation of new Energy Post employees | |
Instructions (Instruction on organization of safe work with power devices in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.; Instruction on organization of work installing and replacing balancing meters and communication modules in MV/LV transformer stations for the AMI project, operating instructions of power facilities and devices, job instructions) | |
Other instructions (Standard equipment for Energy Posts and vehicles of Energy Posts teams; Methods and rules of fall protection for works at height in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.; Notification to the National Labor Inspectorate / District Prosecutor's Office of a fatal, serious, collective accident; Notification of an accident; Standardization – safety tables and signs and rules of their use in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.) | |
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec | Integrated Management System including the Occupational Health and Safety Management System |
Instruction on Safe Work Organization in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. | |
Instruction on conduct in case of accidents and sudden illnesses and post-accident procedure | |
Instruction on conducting and documenting OHS training | |
Instruction on the assignment of working clothes and footwear, personal protective equipment and cleaning products to employees | |
Fire safety instruction in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. | |
Instruction on the tobacco smoking ban, including novel tobacco products and electronic cigarettes | |
Occupational health and safety monitoring procedure | |
Procedure to identify hazards, assess occupational risk and other risks for the OHS management system | |
ENEA Wytwarzanie | Policy of Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System |
OHS Monitoring Procedure | |
Emergency preparedness and response procedure at the Koronowo site | |
Hazard identification and occupational risk assessment procedure | |
Instructions (Instruction on the assessment of occupational risk at workplace; Instruction on the investigation of accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential occurrences; Instruction on the Safe Work Organization; job and OHS instructions, OHS instructions on the operation of devices) | |
Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. Employees | |
Policy against mobbing and discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. | |
Ordinance on the employer's responsibility for OHS | |
Induction, on-the-job and regular training programs for employees, | |
Rules and Regulations of Organizational Units of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. | |
Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka | Strategy for the Work Safety area |
Mine Safety Document | |
Procedures, regulations, guidelines and instructions of the Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System | |
Work Rules and Regulations | |
Ordinance of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager. | |
ENEA Pomiary | Procedure for reporting accidents at work |
"Warehouse OHS instructions (Instruction on the use of a forklift truck, Instruction on the use of a mobile platform, Instruction on manual transportation activities)" | |
Instruction on the operation and maintenance of shelving racks | |
Instruction on the use of a pneumatic table sealer | |
Instruction on spraying electricity meters with a spray gun | |
Fire emergency instruction | |
"Other instructions (Instruction on the use of a computer with a display screen and a printer, Instruction on the use of a shredder)" | |
ENEA Serwis | Procedure for reporting accidents at work and accidents while traveling to or from work in ENEA Serwis Sp. z o.o. |
Procedure for live-line working | |
Instructions (Office/administrative job instruction; Wireman job instruction; other job instructions) | |
ENEA Oświetlenie | Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Oświetlenie Sp. z o.o. Employees |
Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. | |
OHS-related instructions (among others: Instruction on the organization of safe work with power devices in Eneos Sp. z o.o.; Wireman job instruction; Non-electrician job instruction; Instruction on the use of lines and road lighting devices in ENEA Oświetlenie Sp. z o.o.; Wireman job instruction on measurement of power devices of a portable measuring laboratory; Instruction on marking of road lane works by Eneos Sp. z o.o. z o.o.; OHS instruction on transport, unloading/loading, storage and assembly of lighting poles; OHS instruction on warehousing and storage of materials; OHS instruction on transport works; OHS instruction on the ladder use; OHS instruction on the use of a computer and a printer) | |
OHS instruction on the use of office equipment (e.g. binder machines, photocopiers) and OHS instruction on the use of other equipment (e.g. drills, circular saws for wood cutting, grinders) | |
Rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. |
OHS issues are also taken into consideration in internal collective bargaining agreements.
Selected activities undertaken by ENEA Group companies in the OHS management area in 2019
OHS prevention activities in ENEA Operator included an education campaign entitled “Our Choice – Safe Work” addressed to employees of companies in the Distribution Area (it included, among others, publication of the “Safe Work” monthly, meetings, monthly electronic newsletters, distribution of posters). The Company also adopted two new procedures: First Aid in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. and Premedical Rescue Organization Procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. It also started the implementation of procedures for standardizing first aid kits, organizing rescue services and working with chainsaws and established a team to draw up new instructions for working with power installations.
ENEA S.A. and ENEA Centrum expanded the induction training program to include practical first aid demonstrations on dummies using training defibrillators, conducted first aid training and kicked off training in the practical use of fire extinguishers for people leading evacuations. They also improved the ergonomics of workstations, among others by equipping them with supporting pads to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.
ENEA Oświetlenie replaced some of its fall protection equipment for working at heights and shock protection equipment and the majority of its employees took part in the first aid training. Other initiatives included improved ergonomic conditions for office work, upgrades of air conditioners, equipping Employees in the field with repellents in the periods of increased insect activity and distribution of brochures on the topic of work safety.
ENEA Bioenergia established an OHS committee and it implemented an improvement plan in this area, updated quarterly. The Production Division changed its work time organization system to a 5-crew system; that represented a significant improvement of the comfort of work of the employees responsible for continuity of operation of power equipment. The company additionally purchased a large number of machines, which increased safety of the persons accepting biomass.
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec executed an OHS conditions improvement program, which included, among others: improvement of fire safety and change in the organization of workplaces, a program of organizational and technical actions aimed at limiting the exposure of Employees to noise; the company cooperated with the Central Work Safety Institute in the evaluation of mental stress associated with working on selected positions. The company also implemented formal requirements for its prospective contractors, which includes delivery of a questionnaire summarizing OHS conditions in the company and is one of the evaluation criteria for the submitted offers.
It also created a work safety site in the company Intranet, appointed a team for developing the new edition of Instructions on Safe Work Organization in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. and teams to review and update operating manuals.
OHS activities undertaken in ENEA Ciepło Serwis, the Białystok CHP Plant Division, included, among others: training for manual Workers and their supervisors, who are or may be exposed to asbestos dust due to their responsibilities, measurements of harmful, noxious and dangerous factors linked with selected positions and vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis for biomass Workers and Workers cuttings bushes along railway sidings. In addition, a new forklift was purchased and two old forklifts with high failure rates were liquidated.
The work safety improvement program executed in Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” since 2017 deserves particular attention. Under this program, accident reconstruction videos and instructions on proper performance of vital activities are shown on screens placed in the spots where crews gather before descending into the mine.
RG “Bogdanka” – a company from the LW “Bogdanka” Group – purchased a new roadheader, anti-vibration mounts and other new equipment (among others hydraulic wrenches and bolters). In consultation with Employees, new personal protection equipment and new working clothes were introduced. The on-the-job instruction program has been modified to increase work safety levels and the induction training has been modified to make it more understandable, especially for people who have never worked in the mining industry (adding at the same time elements of first aid exercises). Employees received information materials containing the key practical information on OHS and first aid.
Accidents at work in 2019
Accidents at work in the ENEA Group in 2019 | ||
Number of fatalities | Number of all reported accidents | |
Employees | 0 | 176 |
Subcontractors | 2 | 129 |
In 2019, two fatal accidents took place involving persons performing tasks commissioned by ENEA Group companies.
In connection with the death of an installer from a company cooperating with ENEA Pomiary who got electrocuted:
- it was ensured that any subcontractors of the company hold required qualification certificates and have completed relevant instruction courses, both general and job-related,
- procedures and instructions were reviewed,
- professional risk assessment was updated for technical services,
- managers and foremen held a meeting with the subcontractors, discussed causes of the accident with them and reminded them of principles of safe work when installing and operating electrical devices and power grids.
The subcontractor whose Employee had the accident had held all the qualification certificates necessary to perform technical services in measurement systems and also had taken part in the mandatory instruction courses conducted by qualified employees of ENEA Pomiary’s OHS service.
The second fatal accident occurred at a location owned by the Kozienice Power Plant. The accident involved an employee of a specialized external company who was buried while an ash retention tank was being cleaned. ENEA Wytwarzanie, which is the owner of the power plant, complied with all the OHS duties following from the law.